Embrace Your Mysteries

Embrace your mysteries. There is no need to reject the parts of yourself that don’t make sense to others, no human being can know the breadth and depth of your being. You are sacred, there are aspects of you that only you and spirit can know.

 I used to have a deep desire to be seen, heard and understood especially by the people in my close circle. This desire caused me to over explain myself and to make sure I was acting in a way that was consistent with other people’s perception of me.

 At a point, I began to feel like a figment of other people’s imaginations and didn’t like the version of myself that showed up when I was around family and friends. It’s hard to have a clear sense of self when you’re constantly tailoring yourself to fit the taste of someone else even if that person claims to love and respect you.

When I looked into this issue I recognized that it is true to my nature that I seek emotional intimacy. However I was expressing this need for intimacy in an unhealthy manner to avoid harm. In the past when a loved one misunderstood me they resorted to making unfair assumptions, bullying or shaming me.

Once I stopped working to avoid the consequences of being misunderstood, I observed that I actually liked being an enigma to some people. More importantly I can express my need for emotional intimacy with friends and family in a healthy way, by taking into account the other person’s capacity for deeper connection.


Thoughts on self love, shadows and wholeness